Morris Gazettes - The Gift (1930-1939)

Title reads: “The Gift“ Devised and Produced by Morris Motors Limited - Cine Department Cowley. A man buys his daughter an Morris 10 motorcar and describes to her how it is made. Mother and daughter see Father arrive with a new car. Daughter is proud of her present. Father and daughter sit down in garden and he talks of his visit to the Morris factory. Factory scenes as steel is made in furnaces. Metal workers pour out molten metal. Metal is poured in moulds. Red hot steel ingots are taken to the rolling mill to be flattened out. It is finally turned into a sheet of metal and cooled. The sheet is further rolled and squashed until it is quite thin. The sheet is finally stretched and cleaned. VS presses shape the metal panels for the cars. Pressed car parts move off to the body assembly shop. Parts of the cars assembled. Flash welders are used to make some joints. VS assembly of the car. Parts are brought together and welded into place. More part are put in place a
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