Nene ponders an eternal Question: Why build an Ice Road? [hololive/engsub]
Nene Momosuzu plays Minecraft.
Original stream:
Nene’s channel:
Let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m the type you see in Starbucks pretending to read Wittgenstein. I’m the type who uses the phrase ‘raison d’être’ at least once every time I speak. I keep an unlit cigarette pasted to my bottom lip that I can’t smoke because I have asthma. When somebody comes up to me and asks what time it is, I ask back, ‘What do you mean by “time”?’ And should anyone dare inquire as to whether I have heard the latest ‘news’ concerning the Kardashians, I simply reply, ‘No, I was too busy reading Kierkegaard.’
In short, I was just your ordinary undergraduate philosophy major.
Life had become very pedestrian. Get up, go to class, snicker to myself at the STEM majors even when they say something reasonable and intelligent, go home and post on reddit about how *ackshully* science started out as ‘natural philosophy’ and
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