▪ Bring on the snow! New 2021 Chrysler Pacifica offers all-weather capable, seamless and fully automatic all-wheel-drive (AWD) system
▪ 2021 Chrysler Pacifica has the most advanced AWD system in its class and is the only vehicle to offer AWD along with Stow ‘n Go seating
▪ If wheels lose traction on ice or snow, Pacifica’s AWD system automatically activates the transfer of all available engine torque to the wheels with more traction
▪ Power transfer unit and rear drive module automatically disconnect when AWD is not required, stopping the drive shaft from spinning — a class-exclusive feature that reduces driveline drag and improves efficiency
▪ With a total of 97 standard safety features, the 2021 Chrysler Pacifica has the most standard safety features in the industry:
- 2021 Chrysler Pacifica offers 116 standard and available safety and security features across all Pacifica models
- Pacifica features 14 new-as-standard safety features, inclu