“The Best Songs of the Jewish Shtetle“
In 2001 under the auspices of Jury Bashmet Fund the large cultural musical project “The Best Songs of the Jewish Shtetle“ started, Efim Alexandrov became its soloist and director.
For today the musical project “The Best Songs of the Jewish Shtetle“ is considered by the Russian and the world press to be unique, not having analogues in the world musical project in Yiddish language.
Jewish Music & Jewish Songs of the Jewish Shtetle - 3 (BIG SHOW IN 2011, HD) Yiddish Songs & Jewish Folk Songs. Le Chaim, Kinder Jorn, Di Grine Kuzine, My Yiddishe Mama, Chiribim Chiribom, Gefilte Fish, Moishele, Rebbe, Papirossen, Abi Gezunt, Tumba Tumba, Ich Hob Zifeel Leib,
Itzik, Potpourri of Jewish Songs in Yiddish, A Kleynichker Vintale, Bei Mir Bist Du Shein, Tzip Tzip Hemrl, Yiddishe Maycholim, Shtetle Bershad, Wie Nemt Men a Bissele Mazel, Main Tate, A kosherу kachke, Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
Efim Alexandrov, Songs of the Jewish shtetl, Jewish music, Jewish song in Yiddish, Yiddish Music, Yiddish songs, Jewish culture,
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