In director Francis Lawrence’s (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) upcoming Netflix original movie Slumberland, a young girl named Nemo (Marlow Barkley) finds herself traversing a magical realm of dreams that was once only a figment of her late father’s (Kyle Chandler) bedtime stories. After his passing, Nemo’s life is turned upside down when she’s sent to live with her uncle Phillip (played by Chris O’Dowd) and enrolled in a new school. While dealing with the very real grief of her loss, Nemo is visited by an old friend of her father’s Flip (Jason Momoa), who reveals to her that there’s a treasure in Slumberland that will grant her any wish. In spite of the dangers cautioned by Weruche Opia’s Agent Green, Nemo is determined to see her father one last time.
In their interview with Collider’s Steve Weintraub, the trio shared what it was like working with Lawrence on Slumberland, discussed the “stunning” visual effects of the film, and getting to share this project with their relatives of all ages. They al