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Artist: Rotkeller
Title: Antimatter
Label: Thrénes Records
Catalogue: THRNS007
Format: 12“ Vinyl Digital
Genre: Electronic
Style: #Techno
Release date: June 10, 2022
01. Antimatter
02. DipK
03. Tetra4 (Kangdin Ray Remix)
04. Skpp Skpp feat. B. Skupin
05. Tetra4
The clandescent Federico Sutera and Laurent Schmidhäusler form the insidious duo Rotkeller, known for their excursions into ponderous and maundering interpretations of electronic music. Their last release on Thrènes was an experimental and perplexing delight that perpetuated their virtuosity. The Swiss pair has returned to release a pressing technoid sound on the Thrènes imprint entitled Anti-matter.
The project kicks off the track ‚Antimatter‘. It has distinctive and emphatic patterned per-cussions and a wandering pad that wistfully saunders in and out. There are clever uses of claps, crisp hats and insisted clicks. The track lays the foundation of the sound to ex-pect from the EP with comprehensive yet wonderous beats.
‚DipK‘ follows the opening track, which has a bit more body and sways. It was made for the waning hours of a club when it might be get-ting bright outside, but the crowd doesn‘t want to leave. It has a captivating synth that runs throughout and an infectious bassline; the sound allows the mind to roam free but rhythmic drums, hits and snares make the body move.
Midway through is the Kangding Ray remix of ‚Tetra4‘. The French-born but Berlin-based artist is known for his mastery in blurring the lines between techno and experimental, and this track is a testament to his talents. The cut has a classic underground club feel as it simply keeps up the tempo. The oscillating synth is compounded with spacy fluttering stabs with a kick drum that adds resounding velocity to the track.
The penultimate track, ‚Skpp Skpp‘, features . It has an enchanting heavy breath prominent throughout the cut, accompanied by ethereal choir chants and a deep
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