#NUPopSci Politics. NU SSH PSIR Associate professors Alexei Trochev and Caress Schenk

📍EN In the last episode of ‘PopSci’, Associate professors of PSIR @ssh_nu Alexei Trochev and Caress Schenk take you along to the world of politics with all its mind games and nuances. Can you be apolitical if politics are everywhere? Why is political behavior so much more than just voting? And is it possible for politicians to not be corrupt? According to professor Caress Schenk, politics is everywhere and it is not possible to be apolitical even if you think you are. Professor Alexei Trochev believes that it is possible for politicians to not be corrupt. He set as an example, Nelson Mandela. However, he notes that there are still many temptations. 🧠 Tune in for an insightful conversation! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn about the world together with us! 📍KZ “PopSci“ соңғы шығарылымында @ssh_nu қауымдастырылған профессорлары Алексей Трочев пен Карэсс Шенк сізді барлық зияткерлік ойындарымен және ерекшеліктерімен саясат әлеміне апарады. Егер саясат барлық жерде болса, саясаттан мақұрым бол
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