“Ah-ga-ssi“ is a 2016 South Korean movie directed by Park Chan-wook. The film is a psychological thriller and tells the story of a young Japanese lady, Lady Hideko (Kim Min-hee), who is living in an isolated mansion with her uncle, Kouzuki (Cho Jin-woong), in Korea. Kouzuki has a vast collection of rare books and uses his niece as a lure to attract wealthy bidders to his auctions. A pickpocket Sook-hee (Kim Tae-ri) is hired as Lady Hideko’s new maid. Little did anyone know, Sook-hee is actually a con artist working for a handsome swindler who is planning to marry Lady Hideko and steal her fortune. However, as time passes, Sook-hee and Lady Hideko fall in love, leading to a dangerous and unpredictable love affair.
The movie stars Kim Min-hee, Kim Tae-ri, Cho Jin-woong, Ha Jung-woo, and Kim Hae-sook in the lead roles. The film received critical acclaim for its exceptional cinematography, direction, and acting. The movie also won numerous awards, including Best Director at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival and Best Film at the 2016 Asian Film Awards.
The film’s soundtrack was composed by Yeong Wook Jo, who is known for his works in popular Korean movies such as “Oldboy“ and “The Handmaiden.“ The score is an intricate mix of classical piano and strings, which perfectly complements the movie’s melancholic and eerie tone. The soundtrack has been praised for its ability to create a haunting and immersive atmosphere, adding to the overall effectiveness of the film.
In summary, “Ah-ga-ssi“ is a beautifully crafted psychological thriller, with an excellent cast, top-notch direction, and a haunting soundtrack, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a well-made movie.
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