Learn Real-life Chinese: My Tooth is Going to Fall out.我的牙齿要掉啦 | Real Chinese Conversation 学中文

Learn Daily Chinese Conversation. Learn REAL Chinese that native speakers use every day. In this real-life video, you will learn 11 keys words from our conversation. 11 Key words for today’s video : 牙齿 [ yá chǐ ] tooth 晃动 [huàng dòng] wiggle;wiggle; move 痛 [tòng] ache; pain 掉 [diào] fall; drop; come off 睡觉 [shuì jiào] sleep 身边 [shēn biān] at (by) one’s side 收到 [shōu dào] receive; get 钱 [qián] money 精灵 [jīng líng] spirit, fairy 摸 [mō] feel; touch 掰 [bāi] break off with hands How to use this video: 0:11 First time - watch this video without subtitles, and see how much of it you can understand. 1:28 Second time - focusing on the words or sentences you couldn’t understand for the first time. 2:47 Third time - watch the video one more time. This time, you will focus on the pronunciations. *Teacher Cici’s Chinese book list for beginners: (1) Learn to Speak Mandarin I: (2) Chinese For Dummies: (3) Reading and Writing Chinese: HSK All Levels
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