Ultimate Super-Violinistic Happy Birthday!

The basic idea-this transcription is done in a form of a collage, consisting of 14 quotations (in transposition from their original tonalities to a common F-major) from such violin compositions as: 1) Dont-Etude 2) Kreutzer-Etute n.1 (n.2) and 3) Tchaikovsky-Violin Concerto main theme from the 1st movement 4) Brahms-Violin Concerto 3rd movement opening theme 5) Sibelius-VC 3rd movement opening theme 6) Ravel-Tzigane opening theme 7) Franck-Violin Sonata 2 movement main theme 8) Paganini-La Campanella 9) Paganini-Concerto n.1, opening motive 10) Paganini-Capriccio 11) Mozart-Violin Concerto n.3 (secondary theme motive) 12) Rimsky-Korsakov/Zimbalist-Golden Cockerel motive 13) Massenet-Meditation 14) Prokofiev-Violin Concerto n.2 opening theme All of those are placed in a contrapuntal-collision with each other. Let me know, if you can recognise the quotations! Have fun!
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