Hecatia Lapislazuli’s theme—Pandemonic Planet! Am I the only one who thought it was “Pandemic Planet?“ I only realised what the name was when I started arranging this. Anyway, here’s my arrangement of it for solo piano (as disputable as it may seem lmao).
I quite like this piece. I love how intimidating it sounds. This is partly due to the use of enharmonic minor scales, which give it this exotic, rich, almost middle eastern texture to the composition, and tie into the whole Egyptian goddess theme—what with her name being Hecatia haha. There are strings in the original that go up the scale in the C section of the song and sound sooooo good. It’s a shame I couldn’t really include the whole progression in the right octave. Either way, this is probably my densest one on certain parts. Up to 4 voices play simultaneously, which you’d think would be better suited for a duet or something.
I must note, however, that its crux is definitely repetition. I do love the DU D
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