Drugs for Arrhythmias

Donation options: 1. 2. Yandex Mastercard Мастеркард: 5106 2110 8086 3207 (ARMEN ASTVATSATRYAN) 3. Yandex money: 410013784474520 The need for treatment of arrhythmias depends on the symptoms and the seriousness of the arrhythmia. Treatment is directed at causes. If necessary, direct antiarrhythmic therapy, including antiarrhythmic drugs, cardioversion-defibrillation, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), pacemakers (and a special form of pacing, cardiac resynchronization therapy), catheter ablation, surgery, or a combination, is used. Most antiarrhythmic drugs are grouped into 4 main classes (Vaughan Williams classification) based on their dominant cellular electrophysiologic effect - Vaughan Williams Classification. #arrhythmias #drugs #classification Professor Armen Astvatsatryan, MD, PhD, ScD, FESC. First Dean and Founder of Faculty of Public Health of European Regional Educational Academy (now University). One of 100 of the Internati
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