Пол и Линда Маккартни Октябрь 1970 - апрель 1971 MONKBERRY MOON DELIGHT Ketchup Monkberry: Луна Восторг- одна из двух песен группы Ram, включенных в Blackbird Singing Велеколепная песня с использованием перебора детских игровых слов. ТЕКСТ ПЕСНИ «MONKBERRY MOON DELIGHT»And the wind played a dreadful cantata (cantata...). So I sat in the attic, A piano at my nose, Sore was I from the crack of an enemy’s hose, And the horrible sound of tomato (tomato...). Ketchup (ketchup) Soup and puree (soup and puree), Don’t get left behind (get left behind)... When a rattle of rats had awoken, The sinews, the nerves and the veins. My piano was boldly outspoken, in attempts to repeat its refrain. So I stood with a knot in my stomach, And I gazed at that terrible sight Of two youngsters concealed in a barrel, Sucking monkberry moon delight. А вот наш бестолковый перевод набора слов : Так я с
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