Selous Scouts Training | Rhodesian Army Special Forces Unit | Major Reid-Daly Interview | March 1977

March 1977. Footage of an ITN News report by Desmond Hamill about the training of recruits into the Selous Scouts, a Special Forces Unit of the Rhodesian Army which participated in the counterinsurgency campaign against the African Liberation guerrilla militias ZANLA–ZANU and ZIPRA–ZAPU. Led by Major Ronald Reid-Daly (1928-2010), the unit, which was multi-racial in membership, specialised in irregular warfare. Its methods included infiltration, assassination, abduction, torture, sabotage and blackmail. It is also claimed to have practised psychological warfare. It was suspected of orchestrating “False Flag“ operations designed to implicate and discredit the African guerrillas. One suspected incident concerns the murder of European Roman Catholic Missionaries in 1977. Athough this and other attacks on missionaries were blamed on Black Nationalist groups, responsibility for the atrocities remain in doubt. However, evidence that bomb attacks on churches were carried out by the unit in an attempt to discred
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