Anandamayi Ma/Daayal GuruGo/Himanshu Goswami

Photos of my own Beloved Guru, Sri Anandamayi Ma, with the beautiful Bengali devotional song “Daayal Guru Go“, sung by Himanshu Goswami (from the album “Ore Mon Pagla“ - Bengali Folk Songs). “A Guru is he who has the capacity to deliver man from the sea of becoming (bhava sagara)“ ~ Anandamayi Ma Here is the translation given to me by a friend: Oh teacher, I see total darkness ahead of me Sayings of the teacher are like blossoms in a garden Talk from a disciple is like a bud The teacher gives the sacred word (Mahamantra) So that people may be delivered from darkness in every era Oh my brothers, Radharaman says that I will cross this river (maya/illusion) Will definitely cross it Oh teacher, you are very kind Please take me across this river, oh merciful one, Take me to the other shore My days are passing in vain Oh teacher, you are all merciful, please deliver me from the darkness I see!
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