We found ourselves into a huge abandoned neighborhood that hasn’t been abandoned by all that long. The last residence vacated in 2019. This neighborhood would have problems in the mid ‘80’s as crime, poor management and differences would start dividing the neighborhood as a whole. Trash wouldn’t be collected but once a month in a pool it was stated. The houses became problematic with mold, sewage backups and structural damage. Many reports were written and nothing was done. There were even more houses that were abandoned while the neighborhood was in its struggle. The city finally stepped in giving those that did reside to vacant in time. Some had to seek out shelters with their families. Rent was very cheap and hard to beat for the area. COME WITH US as we explore this large abandoned neighborhood and find out the obstacles we’ve had to overcome exploring and experiencing this Ghost Town. Check out my partner in crime: Channy’s UnXplainable Adventures:
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