Simkamukha - Lion Faced Dakini Mantra

A voice and cymbal only recitation of the fierce lioness Dakini mantra. This mantra is highly effective in dealing with negative forces and energies traditionally called black or dark magic but I regard it in terms of helping embolden us to transmute and transform negative patterns of mind and energy, that produce fear suffering and problematic behaviours in ourselves. She is revered as a principal teacher of Padmasambhava and as a result is not to be confused with a female spirit brought under control by a man or mahasiddha but one that commands respect as a baseline. Her mantra is known as the 14 letters that avert magical attacks, and can be used to create an alchemical or vibrational vajra armour as protection and blessing amongst other rituals such as the lions mane mirror practice. Like most wrathful practices to practice her sadhana requires empowerment so for this reason I will not write her mantra here, but listening and learning about her and the qualities of transformation within us that are possible produces a rainbow waterfall of blessings. This recitation uses my own lions roar style of chant as I have been taught by my teachers. The clapping 👏 is and creates a powerful symbolic but also physical catalyst for clearing the air or atmosphere of the mind and emotional states , and unblocks patterns alongside the syllables and harmonics they create. If you would like to learn a powerful practice that incorporates some of the methods and techniques involved here that I have devised that can be used safely without need for empowerments please click the link below and express your interest by filling out the form, takes just a few moments. I have also posted an article on Simhamukha and how I practice on my blog too if your interested. I teach groups via online classes and in person internationally about sound healing and mantra as a speciality, and also offer 1:1 training and coaching incorporating advanced healing techniques with sacred sound.
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