ABRSM 2023-24 Grade 1 Piano Exam A11 - James Hook - Gavotte in C Major
ABRSM 2023-24 Grade 1 Piano Exam A11 - Hook Gavotte in C Major
This piece, despite being in the root five finger position, was incredibly difficult to get down. This probably took the longest out of the Grade 1 A pieces so far. There might have been one other piece that had 16th notes. It has been noted that the original sheets didn’t have the dynamic markers, but the version I found did as it added more musicality. The speed was the hardest part especially for my right hand 3-4-5 fingers which always seem to be weaker than the rest of my fingers. I tried to play as slow as possible during my practice sessions and only occasionally would practice above 100 bpm. I’ve been practicing this piece for over a month and I’m hoping it’s better to move on as opposed to continuing to play this song.
I’m not a professional Pianist. I’m mostly self-taught with a few lessons here and there. I’ve played for over 10 years, but plateaued a long time ago without instructions. In an attempt to go back to basics and learn how to take things more slowly, I’ve decided to learn all the ABRSM pieces from the syllabus that I can get my hands starting with grade 1
Hope you enjoy and if you any suggesting, comments, or concerns please put them in the comments!
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Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 1 Workbook: =sr_1_2?crid=RND3ULXBJKVD&keywords=abrsm&qid=1683295620&sprefix=abrsm,aps,96&sr=8-2&_encoding=UTF8&tag=jonathanmur0a-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=953d542e704061712781d0ab9a8061a5&camp=1789&creative=9325
Piano Exam Pieces 2023 & 2024, Abrsm Grade 1 Sheet Music: =sr_1_1?crid=AJRX6OA4NEJG&keywords=abrsm 2023 grade 1&qid=1683295717&sprefix=abrsm 2023 grade 1,aps,102&sr=8-1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=jonathanmur0a-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=62cae052f7e8edbf0863a4f750d36d52&camp=1789&creative=9325
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