Real Lawyer Reacts to Suits (Episode 2 - Cell Phone Patent Problems!)

⚖️ Do you need a great lawyer? I can help! ⚖️ Harvey and Mike should get . You can learn more at You guys asked for it: more analysis of Suits! This is episode 2 of the first season. For some reason Harvey is putting together a VC deal and waits to file a patent until after he talks to investors. Regardless of Mike’s screw up (failing to file the patent), Harvey is the one that should have patented the cell phone LONG before. These guys are supposed to be good lawyers right? SUITS has been highly requested; probably the most requested show on this channel. I think I missed Suits the first time around since I had already graduated from law school when it came out. But I’m glad I got a chance to watch this. This week i’m deconstructing the first episode of Suits. I get asked a lot about whether being a practicing attorney is like being a lawyer on TV.
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