【Multi Sub】一口气看完《完蛋了,虐恋女主不干了》全集,穿越虐恋剧!发现霸总竟是恋爱脑!“是上天送你来我身边的吗?”“不!是一根电线!”#短剧 #甜宠

成为此频道的会员抢先观看完整版: #短剧 #甜宠 #热播短剧 #shortdrama #chinesedrama 宋卿在看虐恋霸总剧时穿越到剧中,成为剧中爱而不得郁郁而终的女主。宋卿醒来,被霸总男主摔了一脸黑卡,宋卿兴奋收下开启逍遥富婆生活。宋卿去KTV被傅辞抓个正着,后来又被傅母、傅颜挑衅,宋卿财迷属性暴露无遗,提出给自己五百万保证离她儿子远远的,傅辞看着原先爱自己死去活来的宋卿,现在眼中只剩钱,不得其解。 When Song Qing was watching a sadomasochistic drama, she traveled back in time and became the heroine in the drama who fell in love but died in depression. When Song Qing woke up, she was slapped with a black card by the domineering male protagonist. Song Qing happily accepted the offer and started living a life of a free and happy rich woman. Song Qing went to KTV and was caught by Fu Ci. Later, she was provoked by Fu’s mother and Fu Yan. Song Qing’s money-obsessed nature was fully exposed and she offered herself five million to ensure that she would stay away from her son. Fu Ci looked at the original love for him. Song Qing, who had come back from the dead, now only has money in his eyes and is puzzled. 正版授权,侵权必究
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