Computers, Hackers, Cybersecurity | Free B Roll & Music

Computers, hackers and cybersecurity are a hot topic these days. Feel FREE to download this video and use the b rolls in your own project. A mention is not expected but appreciated. :) The shots are from Storyblocks, where I have a yearly subscription plan. If you decide to get one too, then please help the channel by using my affiliate link: link coming soon... The music you heard in the video can be found in the YouTube Audio Library Wayne Jones - Cypher Twin Musicom - Hackerland Twin Musicroom - Video Game Soldiers I upload new videos every week so you might want to consider Subscribing. If there is a topic you can’t find on the channel then leave a comment and I’ll try to grant your wish. Did you Like the video? Please let me know by giving it a thumb’s up. Thank you for your visit and I wish you happy creating!
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