Deadly venomous spitting cobras, 4 cobra species from Africa, Red, Mozambique, Black-necked, Ashe’s

Cobras are deadly venomous elapid snakes. Some cobras evolved a very special way of defense - they spit their venom from their fangs. Spitting cobras live in Africa and Asia. The most skilled spitting cobra species can be found in Africa. This video shows footage of 4 spitting cobra species in the wild. The first one is the Black-necked spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis). It is a black cobra, one of the longest spitting cobras. Red spitting cobra (Naja pallida) is smaller and has bright red color. It is a powerful spitter. Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica) is famous for its spitting abilities. The biggest spitting cobra in the world is the Ashe’s spitting cobra (Naja ashei). Which one of these 4 deadly venomous snakes is your favorite?
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