There are visible and invisible angels.
I had already produced several albums (9) and none of them had worked. After recording the album “Sahlomon“, my manager introduced me to Gilles Obringer, the African music specialist, who told me, after listening to my music, that my style would never work. Most distributors told me the same thing. Felix Anagonou then advised me to make a video with the title SARAH. I sent the video to Ivory Coast, this Ivory Coast to which I owe my international career and that I thank... The show business is an EXTRAORDINARY world, incomprehensible for the misundersto
...od like me.
As soon as I met NICOLE SARR AND TONTON ALEXANDRE (her husband), the family affection that I was missing (far from my grandmother) came back to me like a light. Nicole Sarr pulled me up. Nicole Sarr and Uncle Alexandre are my visible angels. NICOLE SARR IS A SCHOOL. When I am with her, I learn. I composed this love song to say her THANK YOU MOM.Show more