MSI cover again, yeah!
Original (reprint, the link above doesn’t work for me):
Song: Mindless Self Indulgence
Mix, SVP, VPR rearrange: Fianna (me)
Illustration: Andrew Payalnik
Vocals: Kasane Teto
Backing vocals: Hatsune MIku
♡ Fianna (me):
▶ SoundCloud:
▶ Shitpost channel: @fiannaShP
▶ Telegram:
♡ Andrew Payalnik:
▶ Telegram:
▶ TikTok: @20andrew00?_t=8jn5uyntrjS&_r=1
▶ Tumblr:
♡ Yorurai-P/ 夜らい-P:
▶ Youtube: @Yorurai_P?si=XsOUYmFXnW3dJl0L
▶ SoundCloud:
Instrumental and mp3 will be here o
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