Auto-Gyro Beware - Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1960)

Leavesden, Hertfordshire. M/S of a Rolls Royce towing an auto-gyro, coming to a halt next to an airfield. Wing Commander Kenneth Wallis of the RAF gets out of the car, lifts the machine off and starts to prepare it for flying as the commentator tells us he built it himself and uses it for cross country flying. C/U of the propellor and engine of the machine. Wallis puts on his helmet and climbs astride the machine; C/Us of the controls as he moves the joystick and foot pedals around; mix into M/S as he flies through the air with the greatest of ease at quite a low height, and smiles at the camera as he zooms past! Various shots of Wallis flying as the commentator gives us lots of technical information on the auto gyro and tells us it took Wallis 9 months to build it in his spare time. Nice M/S as he flies towards us, swinging left and right. As Wallis comes in to land commentator says “Furthermore, it’s doubly safe, because if the engine should stall, the rotor would continue to freewheel, an
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