ARCDIM X [Hero Tier List] [January 2022] [King’s Raid]

Some of these lists have not been updated since JUNE 2021 so to start the new year I’ll be updating all the 4 Technomagic related content tier lists with the inclusion of Valance and tank Isaiah and all the meta shift that represents. The next videos will be uploaded in the next couple of days. Update notes: - New heroes in the list: Valance - Score increases to: Glenwys, Loman, Dosarta, Priscilla, Rebel Clause, Bernheim, Naila, Riheet, Roi, Reina, Erze, Gladi, Mirianne, Ripine, Tanya, Nia, Fluss, Arch, Yanne, Yuria, Zafir, Shamilla, Annette, Crow, Chrisha, Miruru, Veronica, Xerah, Artemia, Cleo, Lorraine, Ophelia, Esker, Dakaris, Maria, Isolet, Nyx, Pavel, Lavril, May, Evan, Frey and Leo. - Score decreases to: Clause, Aselica, Jane, Phillop, Morrah, Neraxis, Shakmeh, Demia, Taily, Sonia, Ricardo, Dark Lord Kasel, Chase, Kirze, Theo, Seria, Hilda, Gau, Nicky, Scarlet, Viska, Gremory, Laudia, Kibera, Selene, Requina, Talisha, Dimael, Kara, Cecilia, Mitra, Pansirone, Oddy, Lucikiel, Aisha, Lilia, Lewisia, S
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