ultrasonic teeth cleaning , removing tartar #dentist #dental #teethcleaning #toothbrush #dentistry

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning? Ultrasonic teeth cleaning employs the use of ultrasonic power scalers which use ultrasonic vibrations to break down and clean hardened calculus from your gum pockets. These ultrasonic instruments are known to have the same and even more effective as handheld scaling instruments. What are the disadvantages of ultrasonic scaler? Disadvantages Iatrogenic heat damage to the tooth is possible if not used carefully. Standard beavertail shape tips cannot be used subgingivally. For subgingival use, FSI, TFI or Slimline inserts are required. Handpieces can heat up considerably during long scaling procedures, if water pressure is not consistent. Is ultrasonic dental cleaning painful? The process is relatively faster than the old-school scaling as it takes one-third of the time in regard to the old procedure. Moreover, if we talk about pain and discomfort, ultrasonic teeth cleaning has made it completely painless.
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