Бухой Ельцин на саммите G7 в Галифаксе (Канада) комментирует теракт в Буденновске. Обратите внимание на то, как Билл Клинтон еле сдерживает себя от смеха, когда Ельцин отвечает на вопросы журналистов () CANADA: HALIFAX: G7 SUMMIT : UPDATE

Russian/Eng/Nat The G7 summit in Halifax ended with a political bombshell Saturday when Russian President Boris Yeltsin claimed that Chechen leader Dzhokhar Dudayev had been granted political asylum in Turkey. Waving his arms, the president said Moscow did not care where the rebel leader went, \“as long as it is far, far away from Russia\“. However, despite the president’s insistence, both the Chechen rebels and Turkish officials have denied that Dudayev had applied for asylum in Turkey. A final
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