Homemade Chicken Porridge and Fruit Chaat - Iftar and Ramadan Special | @MULTIRECIPIESANDCOOKERIES

Homemade Chicken Porridge and Fruit Chaat - Iftar and Ramadan Special | @MULTIRECIPIESANDCOOKERIES ------------ Shining a Light on Homemade #Chicken #Porridge and #Fruit Chaat - Iftar and #Ramadan #Special , What’s So Interesting About #Homemade Chicken #Porridge and Fruit #Chaat - Iftar and Ramadan Special ?, The Only #Homemade #Chicken Porridge and Fruit Chaat - #Iftar and #Ramadan #Special #Video You Need to #watch ------------ #ChickenCongee #FruitSalad #IftarDelight #RamadanFeast #PorridgePlatter #ChaatCreation #IftarIndulgence #RamalanTreats #ChickenRicePorridge #FruitChaatDelight #RamadanEats #SuhurSpecial #ChickenBrothBowl #ExquisiteChaat #IftarTradition #FruityRamalan #PorridgePerfection #ChaatCelebration #RamadanCuisine #ChickenComfortFood #FruitfulIftar #RamalanRituals #PorridgeParadise #ChaatExtravaganza #IftarDelicacies #RamadanFusion #ChickenWarmth #FruitfulChaat #IftarFiesta #RamalanGourmet #PorridgePleasures #ChaatMagic #RamadanGastronomy #ChickenConcoction #FruitfulRamalan #IftarSavor #PorridgePalate ---------- Indulge in a adorable admixture of flavors with our admirable Iftar advance featuring Craven Porridge and Fruit Chaat, absolute for the angelic ages of Ramadan. **Chicken Porridge:** Savor the heartwarming embrace of our Craven Porridge, a soul-soothing alloy of breakable disconnected chicken, ambrosial rice, and a symphony of ambrosial spices. Slow-cooked to perfection, this alimentative basin of abundance brings calm the affluence of craven borsch with the attenuate amore of spices, creating a wholesome Iftar experience. Each dosage offers a aftertaste of attitude and a blow of warmth, accouterment sustenance and achievement during the Ramadan fast. **Fruit Chaat:** Elevate your Iftar table with the active access of flavors begin in our Fruit Chaat. A bright assortment of beginning melancholia fruits, tossed with fiery spices and a adumbration of appealing sweetness, this chaat is a auspicious and alimental accession to your Ramadan feast. ------------ DISCLAIMER:- THIS OPINIONS ARE EXPRESSED ABOVE SHOULD NOT BE COPIED OR MIS CONSRUCTED. ---- FACEBOOK ACCOUNT :- SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL:- INTRAGRAM ACCOUNT :- THIS CHANNEL IS MADE FOR THE BENIFIT OF PEOPLE. ------- INGREDIENTS PREPARATIONS METHODS Ingredients - 1 cup of rice - 1 cup of shredded chicken - 1/2 cup of finely chopped vegetables (carrots, peas, and corn) - 1 onion, finely chopped - 3 cloves of garlic, minced - 1-inch piece of ginger, grated - 4 cups of chicken broth - 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder - Salt and pepper to taste - Fresh coriander for garnish Now, let’s move on to the preparation. In a pot, heat some oil and sauté the chopped onions until they’re translucent. Next, add the shredded chicken and cook until it’s no longer pink. Now, let’s toss in our finely chopped vegetables - carrots, peas, and corn. It’s time to add the rice. Give everything a good mix to ensure the rice is coated with all those flavorful ingredients. Pour in the chicken broth and bring the mixture to a boil. And there you have it - a hearty and comforting Homemade Chicken Porridge, perfect for breaking your fast during Ramadan. [Segment 2: Fruit Chaat]! Now, let’s move on to the second part of our Iftar meal - the refreshing Fruit Chaat. Here’s what you’ll need: - 2 apples, diced - 2 bananas, sliced - 1 cup of grapes, halved - 1 cup of pomegranate seeds - 1 cucumber, diced - 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced - 1 tablespoon of chaat masala - 1 tablespoon of honey - Fresh mint leaves for garnish Start by preparing all your fruits. Dice the apples, slice the bananas, halve the grapes, and peel and slice the kiwi. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the fruits. Now, it’s time to add the chaat masala, giving the Fruit Chaat that unique and tangy flavor. Gently toss everything together, making sure the fruits are well coated with the masala and honey. Once mixed, refrigerate the Fruit Chaat for about 15-20 minutes to let the flavors meld together. [Segment 3: Plating and Presentation]! Now that we have both our Homemade Chicken Porridge and Fruit Chaat ready, let’s focus on the presentation. For the Chicken Porridge, ladle it into serving bowls. Garnish it with a sprinkle of fresh coriander to add a pop of color. ------------ COOKING LINK FOR HOMEMADE Chicken Shawarma Wraps and Vegetable Samosas | IFTAR RAMALAN ------------- MY MULTI KIDS CARTOON CHANNEL LINK ---- MY MULTI MOTIVATION YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK ---- MY INSTAGRAM LINK FOR ANIMALS AND PET LOVER’S ; ------- MY TEESHIRTS SHOP LINK ; ------- MY BLOG POST LINK : ------- IN YOU TUBE SEARCH #MULTIRECIPESANDCOOKERIES ------------
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