Drinking Water Is NOT the Best Way to Stay Hydrated

Do we really need eight glasses of water a day? Here’s what you need to know about the best way to stay hydrated. Check out Dr. Berg’s Electrolyte Powder Here: 🛒 OR Water Myth: ▶️ Waterlogged Author: ▶️ DATA: 0:00 Introduction: How much water do we need? 0:50 Understanding hydration 7:25 The best way to stay hydrated 8:38 How to know if you’re dehydrated 10:53 Check out my video on electrolytes! Today, I will cover some interesting new concepts about water and its ability to hydrate your cells. Water gets into your cells through small channels with help from electrolytes. A dehydrated cell has an imbalance of electrolytes and fluid, not just a lack of water. If you drink too much w
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