호신술 상상vs현실 Self defense (fantasy vs reality) 跆拳道 淸志會 中洞道場

부천 중동 태권도 청지회 중동도장 跆拳道 淸志會 中洞道場 입시전문 도장 성인태권도 실전태권도 개인레슨 특강 세미나 문의 010-9970-2158 Hello everyone~!! My gym is always opened to the people who wants to train and learn from me. If you want to join in my training, please contact me first. (djaky@ ) My gym is in Bucheon Kyungido South Korea and is not far from Incheon International Airport. [Master Jeong’s profile] 6th Dan of Kukkiwon National Champion of Taekwondo in Korea Member of Kukkiwon Education Committee Professor of Hwashin Cyber University Author of the book “The Hand Techniques of Taekwondo for Actual Fighting()“ Director and instructor of “Master Jeong’s Taekwondo“ () [My training Program] movements and understanding the way of martial arts appplications of basic movements Poomsae in the regulations of WTF and Kukkiwon whole techniques of Taekwondo for actual fighing There are 5 days training session, 2 weeks training session,1 month training session. In th
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