MENACE: the pile of matchboxes which can learn

See more data and check out what we changed on the second day (which caused MENACE to learn a different strategy) in the second video: Check out Matt Scroggs’s original blog post about MENACE and in the amazing Chalkdust magazine. Play against the online version of MENACE: This is the original 1961 “Experiments on the mechanization of game-learning” by Donald Michie. Thanks to Katie Steckles for organising our stall at the Manchester Science Festival and Antonio Benitez for giving us the space. The MENACE crew were: Alison Clarke, Andrew Taylor, Ash Frankland, David Williams, Katie Steckles, Matthew Scroggs, Paul Taylor, Sam Headleand and Zoe Griffiths Get your MENACE data here! CORRECTIONS: None yet. Let me know if you spot anything! Thanks
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