Baghdad And Beyond (1932)

No title. Baghdad. L/S of steam train moving towards the camera. Various shots of crowds of people at the railway station preparing to board the train. Camera pans across men preparing to board. One man stands and stares into the camera. High angle shot of crowds milling around. “We managed to get a picture of a “Tamash“ or fete. This is a wild kind of war dance by the recruits for the Arab levies.“ L/S of the wild dance taking place. Men fall over and are picked up again. “The finished article.“ Iraqi soldiers stand to attention. Various shots of soldier’s drills. They look left, right, march, present arms etc. “Seventy miles from Baghdad we reached the famous Hindiyeh Barrage, a British feat of engineering.“ Panning shot of the installation. “Down below, the natives indulge in coracle-fishing with one of the most primitive forms of water craft in existence.“ High angle shot of several coracles being rowed on the river. Note: cataloguing this on machine with a fault - cannot modify
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