I have never seen so many people on Labor Day in Guangzhou, China with a population of 18 million

Hello everyone, tonight I went to the most famous scenic spot in Guangzhou, Canton Tower. Today is China’s May 1st Labor Day. People come out to visit the most popular scenic spot in Guangzhou, Canton Tower. The population here is very dense. This is the first time I have seen it so Intensive people If you have dense phobia, please do not go Welcome to subscribe Welcome to subscribe Thank you for watching my video. This channel will continue to publish videos about walking in the city. It is not easy to shoot, produce and upload videos. I hope to get your support and encouragement. I made this channel to make me work hard to record the real life state and development trajectory of human history in this era. If you want to support me, I will be very grateful, and have greater motivation and greater perseverance to make more videos, thank you very much&
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