Ceddin deden - Turkish military song - Mehter Marşları

[DISCLAIMER] This content is for educational purposes only Turkish lyrics: Ceddin deden, neslin baban Ceddin deden, neslin baban En kahraman Türk milleti Orduların, pek çok zaman Vermiştiler dünyaya şan Orduların, pek çok zaman Vermiştiler dünyaya şan Türk milleti, Türk milleti Türk milleti, Türk milleti Aşk ile sev milliyeti Kahret vatan düşmanını Çeksin o mel’un zilleti Kahret vatan düşmanını Çeksin o mel’un zilleti English Translation: Your ancestor is your grandfather, your lineage is your father Always heroic, the Turkish nation Your armies, for a very long time Basked in glory around the globe The Turkish nation, the Turkish nation Love nationalism with passion Destroy O nation, your enemy Let them suffer in their cursed disgrace tag: #ottoman #empire #ceddindeden ceddin deden mehtaran ceddin deden terjemahan bahasa indonesia cedin deden ottoman sultan mehmed turkish music musik turki traditional musiic marching band folk music
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