UKI: Yup, that’s the man I love...

Hi, my name is FIVE and I clip stuff. I only have 5 brain cells so please spare me. All dates shown in my clips are based on GMT 8 timezone. Please click stream source (provided below) to see date of stream according to yours. If ever ANY of the LIVERS, wants any of my clips to be taken down, they may send a dm to my twitter account/send an email and I’d be more than glad to remove them if they are not ok or comfortable with it. 》》》》》 Liver/s seen and/or featured in this clip: @FulgurOvid - Noctyx @UkiVioleta - Noctyx @vGumiho @ShuYamino - Luxiem @KotokaTorahime - Xsoleil Nijisanji EN Ni...jisanji Anycolor 》》》》》 「Main Clip」 Timestamp: 2:03:30 - 2:04:00 Stream Source: 》》》》》 「Fulgur Ovid’s Socials」 Fulgur Ovid’s official Youtube Channel: @FulgurOvid Fulgur’s Twitter: @Fulgur_Ovid 》》》》》 「My Socials」 My YT shorts channel: @fivebranches My twitter: @fivetreehouses My tiktok acc: @fivetreehouses @fivetreehouses?_t=8ZjSlbTz43m&_r=1 Ko-fi Donations 👉👈 My gmail: fivetreehouses@ 》》》》》 「Credits」 Special thanks to Clippers’ Corner for the assets!! Bleep Bleep the censorship art by @eikyrona Thumbnail Fuu Tom Cruise meme art by @shanny_shank on twitter 》》》》》 #FulgurOvid #ukivioleta #psyborg #noctyx #luxiem #xsoleil #valorant #OVideos #nijisanji #Comfydants #FulgurOvidHere #Ukilipse #UkiLive #uwukiVioleta #ShuNanigans #ShuClip #ShuClipEN #Yaminions #KotokaToraHime #Vgumi #Nijisanji #Nijisanji_EN #Vtuber #VtuberClip #vtuberclips #ENVtuber
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