「ロックマンX2」Rockman X2 Playthrough (JP, English Translation) - Part 1, Wire Hetimarl
The names of the stages are really long in this game so I needed to remove them from the titles, sadly.
Why did I leave the password screen when I was getting rid of them in my recordings of X1? Well, X1’s Password screen is not really interesting. It has Metalls placed next to each of the numbers, which is cute, as well as some really nice music, but X2’s Password screen... shows you Zero giving a thumbs up when the password is intered correctly. What a nice way to actually spoil the fact Zero is coming back that was when it has released, I guess. Because Zero wasn’t mentioned yet in the game at all.
So, I didn’t know where to start. The X2 cast is entirely new for me, I know nothing about all those 8 Irregulars, aside from those ostrich and centipede ones. I asked my buddies about where should I start and the one said “Wheel Alligates“ and the other said “SpongeBo-, oh, sorry, Wire Hetimarl“. Alligates has a capsule that is difficult to reach without Foot Parts (I’ve checked that before making my final desicion) so I went with Hetimarl instead.
Wire Hetimarl is a luffa, not a sponge. Sure, sponge is more recognizable, but it’s technically an animal then, not a plant as it was originally intended. He personally looks like a sea anemone to me.
Hetimarl is in charge of Weather Control Center and was born with... errr, a personality disorder? This meant that he will always act childish and get easily amused by everything. Hetimarl’s still cruel and strong despite of this “disorder“. Weather Control Center is just a huge playground for him (which is why the weather keeps changing all around the stage, although you can change the weather yourself too if you have the right weapons that is) and he was placed here by “guess-who“ because of his power.
I needed to get through this stage a lot of times. My first successful attempt was me going through it without collecting the items. Then I’ve found out when these items were and I recognized that I can get all of them without any weapons or armor parts. The results of the second successful run you can see here, in this video. Although I was a lot more annoyed while going through this stage the second time just to get everything and not backtrack later.
There’s one Heart-Tank in the wall in the very beginning of the stage. I actually do check the walls for Deep Elements in the beginning of each stage in X DiVE, but I’ve never through of doing this in a real Rockman X game myself. Storm Eagleed had almost the same kind of hidden items in the very beginning, but that wasn’t really “a Heart-Tank that is stored IN the wall in the very beginning of the stage.
The second upgrate is rather hard to get without Foot Parts, but it’s still possible as you can see. Just don’t destroy the nearest Sole Solar (those round things with leaves on the top) if you want to get that item, which will turn out to be the first Sub-Tank for you! It’s the first stage and we already has a Sub-Tank, nice!
There’s another way to get them without Foot Parts, but it was so hard I’ve only managed to get the item this way once. I’ll not bother explaining it, sorry.
Then there goes the elevator section which was annoying at first, but then I figured out how to dodge those little guys that like to just at you almost off screen. Then goes the part of the stage where weather keeps changing randomly and when I wasn’t able to use Dash Jump near the last spike pit several times, but after that, we can have a sigh of relief. The only real problem we have to face is Wire Hetimarl himself.
I had some issues with him at first, and he still can cause some problems to me as you can see, but I didn’t get hit too much during the fight so this means it was pretty much easy.
Hetimarl has an Overdrive.
Why no one did tell me this? I had no idea Overdrives became a real thing in X2 already! This is awesome!
Yeah, i died from Overdrive the first time, but I was impressed, which is a good thing. And, I’m gonna say it again, X2 feelsmore lively than the first game. I don’t know how to explain this, but the way The Gigantic Mechaniloid and Wire Hetimarl are animated just makes me really happy.
Wire Hetimarl’s Overdrive electrifies his body and make him shoot the bolts of lightning nearby himself. If you’ll make him enter the Overdrive, make sure he does this on the other side of the room. This way he’ll never reach you with those thunderbolts.
Hetimarl is defeated and X gets his first weapon - Strike Chain. Hope it’s useful! I think it will function like Boomerang Cutter.
Wow, just look at this. The next Irregular on the list is Wheel Alligates. Guess if he was first Irregular for me, I would’ve ended the run with Hetimarl, heh.
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