Awesome Bottle House I Cardboard bottle house I bottle house craft I Glass bottle crafting art . DIY
I made this bottle house out of different sized glass bottles and homemade paper mache, and I will leave you a link to how to make the paper mache below. I also used a glue gun (hot silicone glue) to give the basic shape. PVA adhesive, which is mainly used for wood, is used to glue paper pulp. I also used some sculpting tools to give the shape some fine details. You can also use ceramic paste to make delicate home accessories that give a wonderful shape. I kept the LED lights inside the bottle and the on/off switch was hidden in the bottom of the bottle. Once the basic structure is in place, it is painted with acrylic colors or any colors you have available. Once the drawing is done, it’s time to turn on the light inside the bottle giving a wonderful view.
Enjoy watching and keep watching!
how to make papier mache / how to make paper clay
For more ideas about Glass bottle house craft ideas and DIY Fairy House from Bottles | How to make a fairy house from jar and DIY Fairy House Using Glass Bottles
house diy plastic bottle&rlz=1C1CHBD_arEG1069EG1069&oq=&aqs=&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
bottle house craft &sca_esv=578034219&rlz=1C1CHBD_arEG1069EG1069&ei=pHlAZaK3IMj4kdUP1aSX0Ag&ved=0ahUKEwiimfuAsZ-CAxVIfKQEHVXSBYoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=glass bottle house craft &gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGWdsYXNzIGJvdHRsZSBob3VzZSBjcmFmdCAyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEcyBBAAGEdIuhlQ9glY9hVwAHgCkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEDyAEA-AEB4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGCA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
#clay #clayart #craft #paperclayart #diy #fairyhouse #howtomakefairyhouse #icecreamhouse #diyfairycastle
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4 months ago 00:08:42 1
Amazing Water Fountain with Plastic Bottle and Led (DIY)