The frequency of the tantric sleep music lets you experience lucid dreams, where you can control your actions and to manifest any reality you desire. The lucid dreams offer experiences of the same level of realism as in your normal reality when you are awake. The tantric nature of the lucid dream meditation music facilitates the wet dreams where you can make love with any partner of your choice, or with multiple partners simultaneously.
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Enjoy the wild unstoppable sexual experiences with anyone and in any environmen
...t you wish. The tantric meditation for sexual lucid dreams manifests the subtle reality and the sexual experiences you have been secretly dreaming about. The unconditional sexual manifestation is the blessing of the wet lucid dreams - they allow you to dive in unlimited and unrestricted sexual pleasures without looking back at any social standards and “moral rules“.
Start playing the tantric music for the sexual lucid dreams about an hour before going to bed in order to set the mood. Relax, spend some calm time with the healing and liberating vibrations of the tantric sexuality meditation. Then go to bed, preferably fully naked, and calmly dive in pleasant and adventurous dream where all your sexual needs and demands manifest easily and effortlessly. Enjoy the pleasures of the body with the most desired and attractive partners you can dream about. Meet any partner of choice and manifest your deeply concealed sexual fantasies with them. Love, be loved and experience the unrestricted and limitless sexual gratification.Show more