This is Part 1 of an abridged film adaptation featuring the character Tadzio, from Luchino Visconti’s “Death In Venice“, oft described as the “most beautiful boy“ on earth.
Film historian Lawrence J. Quirk once wrote, “Some shots of Björn Andrésen... could be extracted from the frame and hung on the walls of the Louvre or the Vatican.“ Swedish-born actor Björn Andrésen, who portrayed the sexually ambiguous, adolescent boy, had virtually no dialogue in the classic film. His remarkable androgynous beauty prompted feminist Germaine Greer to use a photograph of Andrésen on the cover of her book The Beautiful Boy (2003).
“Death In Venice“ was only his 2nd film; bedeviled by his sudden notoriety and rumours about his sexuality, Andrésen ultimately shunned acting altogether.