“The Highlanders“ Trailer (2021)

⚔️👹 Grind Challenge VII 👹⚔️ Calling out to all survivors around the 🌎🔥 This is THE AFTERMATH 🧟‍♀️🏴‍☠️ - Make a blading edit in 33 days. - 3-8 crew members. - No skateparks. ----------------------------------- ⚡️Your edits will be awarded points on: •BEST SKATING (3500 points) •BEST VIDEO (3000 points) •MOST CREATIVE VIDEO (2000 points) •MAKE US LAUGH HARD (1500 points) ———————————————————— CHALLENGE LIST: (Feel free to do any or none of them) // THEMATICS (1000 points) •Make a specific movie –themed edit. Go wild. •Make a short doc that involves your friends/scene. // BEST ONE WINS (200 points) •Longest Rail wins. •Best Bail ⚰️ If you break no points •Skitch the weirdest vehicle you can find. •Coolest “Launch” into water! Get creative •Do a cool Matthew Ledoux parkour move •S
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