The Swordmaster’s Grimoire: The Seven Parts of Every Lesson (#3)

Individual lessons are only as good as their foundation: the structure of the lesson. Every lesson must be diagnostic, to know what the student most needs to work on right now, during THIS lesson, and must provide a framework for learning. It’s not about random practice of “exciting” techniques; it’s about careful development of fundamentals- and development of the person. All of our lessons follow the same format. 1. The Greeting: The lesson starts when the student arrives. 2. The Opening: Creating the right mindset. 3. The Warm Up: Starting well. 4. The Body of the Lesson: What we are working on today. 5. The Cool Down: All’s well that ends well. 6. The Closing: A formal end to the physical work. 7. The Valediction: The student’s opportunity to connect the lesson to their life. We’re working on doing some voiceovers of videos of lessons, so you can see each of these parts as they happen, in context. Maître Adam Adrian Crown has 40 years’ experience as a Fencing Master- and has a lot to share with you. Please subscribe, and be one of the first to know when a new video has been posted. tip jar: Paypal crownacademyofthesword@
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