Athletic Portraits featuring Joe McNally and Daniel Norton

Join Photographers Joe McNally and Daniel Norton as they photograph some athletic subjects in the style of one of Joe’s Iconic Sport Illustrated Kids Covers. Rim lighting is a great tool to showcase the strength and form of an athlete. In this video, Joe explains his thought process and technical set-up while recreating a similar shot with 3 models. Related Products at Adorama: Nikon D5 Presents Joe McNally: Athletic Portraits&utm_medium=social&utm_content=video Profoto B1 Presents Joe McNally: Athletic Portraits&utm_medium=social&utm_content=video Profoto Softlight Reflector Presents Joe McNally: Athletic Portraits&utm_medium=social&utm_content=video Profoto 1x3 strip box Presents Joe McNally: Athletic Portraits&utm_medium=social&utm_content=video Profoto Grid for Strip Softbox Presents Joe McNally: Athletic Portraits&utm_medium=social&utm_content=video Photos by Joe McNally You can keep up with Daniel on Instagram @danielnorton Like, share, and comment on the video ’s get the conversation started!
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