Dragica - Dreamflight (After Forever cover)

Hi everyone! Just to let you know I’m still alive and kickin’ xD I’d like to promise I’ll continue posting regularly, but I’ve broken that promise so many times already. I really hope I will persist, though, as I’m slowly coming back to myself, but the road is long and the ride sure is bumpy. Aaaanyway. I’ve wanted to cover this absolute masterpiece by After Forever since I first heard it many years ago, and I recently stumbled onto this incredible instrumental cover by @ForUsInstrumentals (here’s the link to the video): It felt weird recording, editing, and all that once again, but I remembered why I used to enjoy doing this. Well, here’s to the few of you who still stuck around and those who still give my (sparse) uploads a chance. I really do appreciate you. And if this video brings you at least a second of enjoyment, it hasn’t all been in vain. To those coming to leave a dislike - pl
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