ازاي نضيف تأثير الألوان على الأميجرومي-How to color the bo

ازاي نستخدم الوان الباستيل ع الجسم وازاي نثبت الالوان. We will learn together how to color the body . you need pastel colours in brown shades of colors , brush similar to the one I’m using , white color pencil and some drops of water. Put some water in the brush then put the color and make sure the brush doesn’t have much color. Apply the color on the body in a circular method to make sure the color get deep into the thread not only on the surface. Let it dry before applying a second layer if needed. After it dry, take the white pencil , dip the tip of the pencil in water and make the dots as you see in the video. To color the bottom of the legs and hands use the dark brown color and use a lighter shade for the upper
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