Crookers present Dr. Gonzo the Album

Crookers present Dr. Gonzo the Album in store now Press release: Let’s talk about the new Crookers album, “Dr. Gonzo“. Phra and Bot (Crookers) describe it with the Italian word “accrocchio,“ that in English can be translated as a “kludge“. A kludge is a quick-and-dirty solution, a clumsy, yet effective, way to solve a problem, using parts that are cobbled together. This new album is a combination of completely unrelated and random ideas that came together to produce a different kind of dance music. Just as one might expect, the barrier to a new sound has been broken on Planet Crookers. has it all. The usual suspects are there: house, hip hop and techno, but they are infused with dance hall, Middle Eastern music, steel drums, classic hardcore squeal, whiny violins filtered through synths, and a clear reference to early 90’s euro dance creates something unexpected. “Hummus“ a track that wonderfully encapsulat
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