Catradora || You deserve love too

!!Watch in 1080p!!! SPOILERS FOR ALL 5 SEASONS!!! → It’s my time now, I deserve this love, No it’s not just luck, cause I made a sacrifice I play a constant game of “how many voice overs can I squeeze into a video“ and let me tell you I’d put more in if I could *sigh* I have no self restraint.. The first 50 seconds took 3 weeks. The rest, I did in one day after s5 aired. And I spent around 2 weeks just staring at that blank space there and not having the faintest clue about what to do with it. A little explanation: I picked this song not because what ’sacrifice’ means by default. I wanted to use it in two ways, kind of contradictiory - at the beginning to say what they sacrified to try to achieve their goals: Catra sacrificing her good side in order to gain power; Adora hurting her friends with her sacrifices not realizing how she has the responsibility to stay, how she can hurt them by becoming a slave t
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