Workshop Dreynevent: “The right time for many techniques“: decision-making in Lecküchner’s fightbook
Hello everyone! I have decided recently to move away from doing video hand-outs for workshops and instead just record the workshops as I teach them. The video hand-outs are ultimately more compact, but they take too much time to make and also don’t contain any of the often really good questions that I get during a workshop. So I went out and got myself a wireles microphone to record my workshop at Dreynevent aaaaaand... It sorta worked. I mismanaged the battery life of my camera, meaning I had to switch to my phone for the last bit of the workshop and I need to tweak the sound quality a bit. Overall though, this was quick, relatively easy and I think a good way to make sure people get to recap a workshop after the event. I hope you enjoy this!
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