
連續幾天36、37度的高溫,把人逼得丟了魂,天天就想吃些冰冰涼涼的美味,又不能過於甜膩。挑選來挑選去,冰粉是最好的選擇。這份來自四川的夏日甜品,隨時隨地、無時無刻都能被享用,火鍋店、夜市攤、小吃店,哪兒都能看見它,高溫天裏的冰爽擔當。一碗有靈魂的冰粉,還得是手搓的!內裏夾雜著小氣泡,爽滑Q彈,一大碗都不夠吃! The continuing high temperature makes people listless. Icy but not too sweet food is what we need to cool off. Ice jelly is a nice choice. The summer dessert is from Sichuan and you can see it almost anywhere anytime in the province. Handmade ice jelly is bouncy and full of bubbles. Check out the video for the recipe!
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