Today’s Tango Is... Anselmo Acuña, el Resero - José García 13-08-1943

ANSELMO ACUÑA, EL RESERO - Tango with English translation José García c. Alfredo Rojas 13-08-1943 Information on the video notes (Show More) So much more with the Facebook Group: Today’s Tango Is… Music: Pedro Casella, Félix Láurenz Lyrics: Luis Rafael Caruso Versions on this channel Carlos Di Sarli c. Roberto Rufino 28-05-1943 José García c. Alfredo Rojas 13-08-1943 ANSELMO ACUÑA, EL RESERO (1943) Anselmo Acuña, resero Cuando se siente cantor, En su humildad de gorrión Tiene el alma de un jilguero. Ni lerdo ni ventajero Manso y fuerte como un buey Anselmo Acuña, resero Es un de ley. Tropa, tropa, tropa, No la llores corazón... Hermanos de las estrellas Eran los ojos de aquella, Dos trenzas de seda negra Coronaban su cabeza. Y era su boca una breva Como una herida cereza, Pa´ qué aumentar la tristeza No la llores corazón. Coda: Tropa, tropa, tropa, No la llores corazón... Con agradecimiento a ANSELMO ACUÑA, THE CATTLE HERDER Anselmo Acuña, the cattle herder, When he feels like a singer, Within his simplicity of a sparrow He has the soul of a songbird* Neither lagging behind nor striding ahead, A strong and silent type, like an ox, Anselmo Acuña, the cattle herder, Is a real creole.* Herd, herd, herd* Don’t you cry for her, heart... Brothers of the stars Were the eyes of that woman, Two braids of black silk Used to crown her head, And her lips a windfall plum, Like a bruised cherry. It’s why the sadness is all the greater... Don’t you cry for her, heart... *jilguero - lit. ornith. goldfinch but an allusion to the goldfinch as a songbird *criollo - creole - Argentinean specifically of Spanish ancestry *tropa - can also mean team of oxen English translation by Paul Bottomer © All Rights remain with the owners -Video Upload powered by
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